Banyuls mountain pass Road to France Bookmark and Share
Consulted sources
- Direcció General de la Memòria Democràtica
- Own information


The border port of Banyuls, between the catalan region of Alt Empordà and France, was one of several passageways used by civilians to flee from Franco's troops and cross the french border. Small villages like Rabós and Espolla were starting points for the weary refugees who crossed the border through this passageway.

Currently stands at the top of the mountain pass of Banyuls an explanatory panel erected by Democratic Memorial of the Catalonia Government as well as a monolith erected by the french authorities where it is recalled that after the call to resistance on the part of General de Gaulle in 1940, many escaped french crossed the mountain pass to join the resistance against Nazi rule.

From Catalonia, it can be accessed through the village of Espolla by a narrow paved road full of curves but in good condition. The Banyuls access is properly signposted from the village of Espolla. The panoramic view from the top of the mountain pass on the eastern section of the Pyrenees is excellent.