Mas Perxès in Agullana The house of Catalonia Government in the Pyrenees Bookmark and Share
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The Mas Perxes farmhouse, located in the catalan town of Agullana (Alt Empordà) was impounded by the Generalitat of Catalonia in spring 1938 with the intention to prepare it as a refuge from war. During the retreat, this house was also used as a art warehouse of the catalan artistic heritage from various cities and as the residence of some politicians, officials and intellectuals before leaving the country into exile, including president Companys, almost all councilmen of the government, members of catalan parliament and the president of the basque government, José Antonio Aguirre. Among the group of intellectuals, writers and artists associated with the Ministry of Culture, led by Carles Pi i Sunyer, stands Pompeu Fabra, Pau Vila, Pere Bosch i Gimpera, Joan Oliver and Mercè Rodoreda.

It is estimated that the house was to accommodate more than 300 people, including members of the presidency of the Generalitat, the Ministry of Culture, Catalan MPs and members of the Basque government. On January 27, 1939, the Institució de las Lletres Catalanes held its last meeting in Catalonia in the farmhouse.

Mas Perxès is a large manor house located a few meters from the road between Agullana and The Vajol, two kilometers from the urban center of Agullana. The Democratic Memorial of the Catalonian Government has recently installed an explanatory panel at the roadside about the role of the house during the last months of civil war.

Other houses in the municipality of Agullana were used by highest leaders of government of the Republic during january and early february 1939 because of its proximity to the french border. Thus, the home of Can Bech, 5 Bech de Careda street, was the headquarter of the republican army staff while Can Bech de Baix farmhouse, located five kilometers away from Agullana  in the direction to La Vajol became a timely residence of the republican prime minister,Juan Negrin. Franco's airplanes bombed this apartment on 4 February at 14.00 P.M., a several hours after learning of the location of the new residence of Negrin by the french press. Negrin took refuge in a nearby forest. This would have accelerated his decision to leave Spain the next day, as it happened.

Other interest houses are the modernist house Can Parellada -6 Luis Gomis street-, which became the residence of the republican general Vicente Rojo and the Society 'La Concordia' -21 Concordia street- in a makeshift hospital, also the school in a ministerial headquarters.

Agullana and neighboring municipality of La Vajol became also a point of evacuation of many civilians who used the paths of the Manrella mountain pass and Lli mountain pass to leave spanish territory.