The old iron bridge over the Ebro A battle is finished Bookmark and Share
Consulted sources
- Hemeroteca El Punt
- Own information


'At 04:45 hours on 16 November 1938, Lieutenant Colonel Manuel Tagüeña, after that all his troops had withdrawn to the right bank of the river, flew Flix's iron bridge. It was the end of the battle of the Ebro' . This is the text of the commemorative plaque located at the monument commemorating the existence of infrastructure and the end of the bloodiest battle of the Spanish Civil War. The monument was inaugurated on November 16, 2009, 70 years after the end of the battle, in the same place where it was erected the bridge over the river Ebro, near the C-12 road and the industrial area of the municipality. It is a structure formed by two concrete blocks connected by an iron bridge of small dimensions. The Flix's iron bridge was built by republican forces during the offensive of the battle of the Ebro and was converted into a priority of the pro-Franco airforce.


From the monument there is an excellent vision over Flix's meander and meander hill, presided over by a castle of the carlist period, built between 1833 and 1839. Due to its proximity to the bridge, the castle was bombed several times. Today, it's still visible several impact of shrapnel in the walls of the fortification. After the Spanish Civil War, the building was in ruins and abandoned. In 2004, the town decided to restore the castle. Construction began in 2009 and a year after the first phase of work had been completed. Inside the castle will open an interpretive center on the world of carlism.


The testimony


News article taken from Josep Medina al Diario El Punt, 17/11/2008. Opening ceremony of the monument.


"Several families of war veterans, among the participants, relived the experience of their relatives in the same place. Augusto Gonzalez, son of the iron bridge engineer, Teodoro Gonzalez, remembered his father during his internal exile and his struggle for a minimum freedoms. Carmen Tagüeña, daughter of the colonel who flew the bridge, also sent a few words: "I remember my father was the last to cross this bridge. It was a sacrifice for all men in battle when the Republic was already lost. Some were realised efforts, not of a civil war, but of a battle against fascism" said Tagüeña with her Mexican accent."