Can Barris' farmhouse in La Vajol The last home of president of the republic Bookmark and Share
Consulted sources
- Direcció General de la Memòria Democràtica
- 'Breu Història de la Guerra Civil a Catalunya' dirigit per Josep M. Solé i Sabaté i Joan Villaroya (Edicions 62)
- Own information

In late january 1939, much of the government's administration of the Spanish Republic was located in the region of Alt Empordà, following the withdrawal of the republican army. The Can Barris's farmhouse, a short distance from the French border, was the seat of the President of the Spanish Republic, Manuel Azaña. After the last meeting of the Cortes in Figueres and the start of the evacuation of the treasures of the Republic, the republican political leaders decided to cross the border and take refuge in French state, including president of the Spanish Cortes, Diego Martínez Irujo, several ministers and relatives.


The magnificent book by catalan historians Josep Maria Solé Sabaté and Joan Villaroya, 'Brief History of the Civil War in Catalonia', accurately describes the way of Azaña and his companions that day, Feb. 5. Thus, the book relates that despite the existence of an initial agreement in which all republican authorities would border on February 5 in the morning, leaving La Vajol, nearby town of Can Barris residence Azana, finally republican political class left the country separately and in different places. The president Azaña, along with the president of the Cortes, Diego Martinez Barrio, the Prime Minister, Juan Negrin, a small group of relatives and friends, crossed the border through the Lli mountain pass on 5 February early in the morning. Their first destination was the village of Les Illes, from which later would be leaving to Perpignan. Once in the city, Negrin back soon to the Vajol to try to address some responsibilities of government increasingly blurred. On his way back, met with President of the Generalitat, Lluís Companys, the lehendakari José Antonio Aguirre, and the directors of the Catalan government Carles Pi i Sunyer, Josep Tarradellas, Antoni M. Sbert and Pere Bosch i Gimpera. By showing, once again, his animosity toward the nationalist leaders, Negrin refused offers to accompany Companys y Aguirre. He preferred to return alone to Catalonia to leave the country permanently a few days later.

Can Barris' farmhouse is a stunning view manor located in a natural environment surrounded by forests of oaks and grasses. To view the house it is necessary to take the small paved road that connects La Vajol with Maçanet of Cabrenys. About a mile from the village of La Vajol appears on the right the house. The Democratic Memorial of the Catalonia Government has recently installed a panel explaining the history of the house. A hundred yards, stands the enigmatic Negrin mine, where the Prime Minister of the Republic, Juan Negrin, hid gold ingots from the Bank of Spain and numerous works of art.